UN condemns Israel-Houthi escalation | BBC News



UN condemns Israel-Houthi escalation | BBC News

UN condemns Israel-Houthi escalation | BBC News
Pubblicato il Dicembre 28, 2024


UN condemns Israel-Houthi escalation | BBC News

UN Secretary General António Guterres has described Israeli air strikes on Yemen’s international airport as “especially alarming”.

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) and other UN staff were at Yemen’s international airport in Sanaa during the strikes which are reported to have killed at least six people.

In a statement on X, Guterres said: “I regret the recent escalation between Yemen and Israel, and remain deeply concerned about the risk of further escalation in the region.”

Israel’s military said it carried out “intelligence-based strikes on military targets”, but the Iran-backed Houthi rebel group said the attacks were “barbaric”.

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