Ukrainian Scooter Bomb Kills Russian General | BBC Newscast



Ukrainian Scooter Bomb Kills Russian General | BBC Newscast

Ukrainian Scooter Bomb Kills Russian General | BBC Newscast
Pubblicato il Dicembre 18, 2024


Ukrainian Scooter Bomb Kills Russian General | BBC Newscast

Today, we look at the assassination of a Russian general in Moscow.

Lt Gen Igor Kirillov was at the entrance to a residential block on Tuesday morning when a device hidden in an electric scooter exploded and killed him. Ukraine has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Adam is joined by James Waterhouse, BBC Ukraine Correspondent and Chris Steele – the former head of the Russia Desk at MI6, author of “Unredacted: Russia, Trump and the Fight for Democracy” and a director of Orbis Business Intelligence.

And, Sara Sharif’s father and stepmother have been sentenced to life in prison for her murder. Adam speaks to the UK Children’s Commissioner Dame Rachel de Souza about how to keep children safe.

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