The children targeted by snipers in Yemen’s civil war – BBC News



The children targeted by snipers in Yemen’s civil war – BBC News

The children targeted by snipers in Yemen’s civil war – BBC News
Pubblicato il Febbraio 16, 2021


The children targeted by snipers in Yemen’s civil war - BBC News

In Yemen, where the civil war has lasted 6 years, human rights workers say more than 400 children have been targeted by sniper fire in just one city.

Taiz, which is under fire from the Houthi rebel forces, is one of the most dangerous places in the country and one of the most dangerous to be a child. The Houthis deny that they are targeting children.

The city in the south west of Yemen is home to one of the longest-running battles of the conflict. It’s under virtual siege, divided between government forces supported by coalition led by the Saudis and backed by the UK and until recently the US, and the Houthis backed by Iran.

Huw Edwards presents BBC News at Ten reporting from Taiz by international correspondent Orla Guerin, cameraman Goktay Koraltan and producer Claire Read.

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