Staff don’t have a voice at NHS Trust, says bereaved daughter – BBC Newsnight



Staff don’t have a voice at NHS Trust, says bereaved daughter – BBC Newsnight

Staff don’t have a voice at NHS Trust, says bereaved daughter – BBC Newsnight
Pubblicato il Dicembre 6, 2022


Staff don't have a voice at NHS Trust, says bereaved daughter - BBC Newsnight

Frank Bird, a 55-year-old builder, died from sepsis after being admitted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital – part of University Hospitals Birmingham Foundation Trust (UHB).

His daughter Sharan contacted Newsnight after watching our exclusive investigation into one of the worst performing hospital trusts in England and claims doctors were too afraid to speak up about the quality of care at the hospital.

Healthwatch Birmingham has since called for a formal investigation into the allegations raised by Newsnight’s report and called for “clear details of the action NHS England will be taking.”

The UHB said: “We take patient safety very seriously and have a high reporting culture of incidents, to ensure appropriate accountability and vitally, learning.

“All patient safety concerns and incidents are rigorously investigated to prevent harm to our patients, and this may be difficult for some colleagues.

“There are well established routes and support in place for individuals to raise any concerns they may have, that we promote and encourage.”

Newsnight’s Chief Correspondent David Grossman reports on the latest developments.

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