Mauritius sends boat to contested Chagos Islands – BBC



Mauritius sends boat to contested Chagos Islands – BBC

Mauritius sends boat to contested Chagos Islands – BBC
Pubblicato il Febbraio 9, 2022


Mauritius sends boat to contested Chagos Islands - BBC

Mauritius has sent a scientific mission to the Chagos Islands. The official reason for this boat trip – the first to be organised by Mauritius – is to map the reefs around the archipelago.

But this a highly political – some would say provocative move – by the Mauritian government.

Both the UK and Mauritius claim to hold sovereignty over the Chagos Islands but a recent maritime law tribunal of the United Nations has ruled that Britain has no sovereignty over the Chagos Islands.

The UK government disputes that but says it will give Chagos back to Mauritius when it’s no longer needed for security purposes. America has a military base on one of the islands .

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