Israeli minister Benny Gantz resigns from Netanyahu’s war cabinet and calls for elections | BBC News



Israeli minister Benny Gantz resigns from Netanyahu’s war cabinet and calls for elections | BBC News

Israeli minister Benny Gantz resigns from Netanyahu’s war cabinet and calls for elections | BBC News
Pubblicato il Giugno 10, 2024


Israeli minister Benny Gantz resigns from Netanyahu's war cabinet and calls for elections | BBC News

Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz has quit the emergency government and called for elections, in a sign of deepening divisions over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans for Gaza.

Announcing his resignation at a news conference in Tel Aviv Mr Gantz said: “Mr Netanyahu is preventing us from approaching true victory, which is the justification for the painful ongoing crisis”. He called on Mr Netanyahu to set a date for new elections.

Recently Mr Gantz had set a deadline for Mr Netanyahu to explain how Israel would achieve its six “strategic goals” including the end of Hamas rule in Gaza and the establishment of a multinational civilian administration for the territory.

A retired army general and frequent critic of Mr Netayanhu, some in Israel have suggested that Mr Gantz could be the country’s next prime minister.

Clive Myrie presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Jeremy Bowen.

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