Is the NHS facing a ‘Quad-Demic’? | BBC Newscast



Is the NHS facing a ‘Quad-Demic’? | BBC Newscast

Is the NHS facing a ‘Quad-Demic’? | BBC Newscast
Pubblicato il Dicembre 13, 2024


Is the NHS facing a ‘Quad-Demic’? | BBC Newscast

Today, NHS England medical director Prof Sir Stephen Powis has said a sharp rise in flu cases “are adding to our ‘quad-demic’ worries”.

What is a quad-demic and how worried is the NHS? Adam is joined by BBC health editor Hugh Pym and Nick Hulme, the Chief Executive of East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust, to discuss the rise in hospital flu cases as well as problems caused by Covid, RSV and Norovirus, and how hospitals will cope with the strain.

Plus, the UK’s Prime Minister Keir Starmer has doubled down on his housebuilding targets, promising “builders not blockers” for the planning system. Alex explains the jigsaw puzzle of planning regulations, local government and politics.

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00:00 – Intro
00:28 – The Quad-demic
20:16 – Adam and Alex Forsyth discuss Keir Starmer’s house targets

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