Inside the system using blood flow to detect deepfake video – BBC News



Inside the system using blood flow to detect deepfake video – BBC News

Inside the system using blood flow to detect deepfake video – BBC News
Pubblicato il Luglio 31, 2023


Inside the system using blood flow to detect deepfake video – BBC News

Deepfake videos – a type of fake video that uses artificial intelligence to swap faces or create a digital version of someone – are on the rise, but one tech firm thinks it has the tool to catch it in the act.

Intel’s “FakeCatcher” system analyses video, and uses a technique called Photoplethysmography (PPG), which detects changes in blood flow in a person’s face – because deepfake faces don’t give out these signals.

The company claims it has an accuracy of 96%, but does it work, and can it actually be used to tell what’s real, and what isn’t?

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