Euclid: Europe’s ‘dark explorer’ telescope launches – BBC News



Euclid: Europe’s ‘dark explorer’ telescope launches – BBC News

Euclid: Europe’s ‘dark explorer’ telescope launches – BBC News
Pubblicato il Luglio 2, 2023


Euclid: Europe's 'dark explorer' telescope launches - BBC News

A European space telescope has launched from Florida on a quest to resolve one of the biggest questions in science: what is the Universe made of?

The Euclid mission will make an immense 3D map of the cosmos in an effort to tie down some of the properties of so-called dark matter and dark energy.

The €1.4bn (£1.2bn) Euclid telescope went up on a Falcon-9 rocket from Cape Canaveral at 11:12 local time (15:12 GMT/16:12 BST).

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