
Notizie Websuggestion

Puntata 02/06/2023

#websuggestion L’edizione della notte del Tg diretto da Enrico Mentana L’articolo Puntata 02/06/2023 proviene da Websuggestion | Masterblog.

US President Biden trips and falls over at graduation event – BBC News

#websuggestion US President Joe Biden has tripped and fallen at a graduation ceremony for the US Air Force Academy in …

Top Australian soldier Ben Roberts-Smith loses defamation case – BBC News

#websuggestion Australia’s most-decorated living soldier Ben Roberts-Smith has lost a historic defamation case against three newspapers that accused him of …

Woman jailed in Iran calls for environmentalists’ release – BBC News

#websuggestion Among the many thousands of political prisoners in Iran’s jails are seven prominent environmentalists who were arrested in 2018. …

Tg Economia – 1/6/2023

#websuggestion L’articolo Tg Economia – 1/6/2023 proviene da Websuggestion | Masterblog.

Mattarella “L’Italia continuerà a sostenere il popolo ucraino”

#websuggestion L’articolo Mattarella “L’Italia continuerà a sostenere il popolo ucraino” proviene da Websuggestion | Masterblog.

US debt deal heads to vote despite hard-line conservative revolt – BBC News

#websuggestion If a majority of legislators in the chamber approve, the bill will move on to the US Senate. After …

The Ukrainian mothers journeying to Russia to get their children back – BBC News

#websuggestion Ukraine has said more than 19,000 children have been removed to Russia, many from children’s homes and special schools …

Ukraine power plant at risk of ‘severe nuclear accident’, says watchdog – BBC News

#websuggestion The Head of the Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) nuclear watchdog has warned about the risks of “severe nuclear accident” …

Autonomia, Sbarra “L’atteggiamento della Cisl non è pregiudiziale”

#websuggestion L’articolo Autonomia, Sbarra “L’atteggiamento della Cisl non è pregiudiziale” proviene da Websuggestion | Masterblog.



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