British ‘dads’ bought by pregnant migrants in visa scam – BBC Newsnight



British ‘dads’ bought by pregnant migrants in visa scam – BBC Newsnight

British ‘dads’ bought by pregnant migrants in visa scam – BBC Newsnight
Pubblicato il Maggio 17, 2023


British ‘dads’ bought by pregnant migrants in visa scam - BBC Newsnight

A BBC Newsnight investigation has uncovered an immigration scam where pregnant migrant women pay British men up to £10,000 to pose as the father and put their name on the child’s birth certificate.

The child can then automatically get UK citizenship and the mother has a route to residency.

Scammers are using Facebook to tout for business and claim to have helped thousands of women in this way. Facebook says such content is banned by its rules.

A researcher went undercover, posing as a pregnant woman who was in the UK illegally, and spoke to people offering these services.

Divya Talwar reports.

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