‘Black market’ of greenhouse gases worth millions of pounds being smuggled into the UK – BBC News



‘Black market’ of greenhouse gases worth millions of pounds being smuggled into the UK – BBC News

‘Black market’ of greenhouse gases worth millions of pounds being smuggled into the UK – BBC News
Pubblicato il Novembre 24, 2021


‘Black market’ of greenhouse gases worth millions of pounds being smuggled into the UK - BBC News

A BBC investigation has uncovered a black market in highly polluting greenhouse gases being smuggled into the UK from Eastern Europe.

The gases – hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) – are advertised and sold illegally via social media and the BBC found a trader suggesting smuggling them on coaches.

HFCs are widely used in fridges, air conditioning and aerosol sprays, but the EU and UK are limiting their use and want to eventually phase them out in favour of cleaner alternatives.

However, older machinery still runs on the most polluting HFCs – which has led to a black market worth millions.

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