Migrant crisis deepens as Poland blames Russia for thousands on its border – BBC News



Migrant crisis deepens as Poland blames Russia for thousands on its border – BBC News

Migrant crisis deepens as Poland blames Russia for thousands on its border – BBC News
Pubblicato il Novembre 11, 2021


Migrant crisis deepens as Poland blames Russia for thousands on its border - BBC News

The migrant crisis on the border between Poland and Belarus has deepened, with Poland’s Prime Minister accusing Russia’s President Putin of “masterminding” the stand-off.

The European Union is threatening to impose new sanctions on Belarus which it says is deliberately sending migrants from the Middle East across its borders into the EU.

In recent weeks thousands of people have gathered on the border, hoping to cross from Belarus into Poland and the European Union.

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has appealed to to Russia’s President Putin, an ally of Belarus, to put a stop what she called the inhuman exploitation of migrants.

Huw Edwards presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Nick Beake on the Poland/Belarus border.

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