Can Europe’s missile defence system defend against Russia’s latest hypersonic missile? | BBC News



Can Europe’s missile defence system defend against Russia’s latest hypersonic missile? | BBC News

Can Europe’s missile defence system defend against Russia’s latest hypersonic missile? | BBC News
Pubblicato il Novembre 30, 2024


Can Europe’s missile defence system defend against Russia’s latest hypersonic missile? | BBC News

Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country has the right to attack the military facilities of countries supplying weapons to Ukraine, and a military site in Poland has been named as a “priority” target.

The newly established missile defence base in the northern Polish town of Redzikowo is part of NATO’s broader Aegis Ashore missile defence system.

Former senior British officer and assault helicopter pilot Mikey Kay explained how this system works, why it’s important, and the missile capability Russia has to attack it.

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