Is the UN warning of 3.1C global warming a surprise? | BBC News



Is the UN warning of 3.1C global warming a surprise? | BBC News

Is the UN warning of 3.1C global warming a surprise? | BBC News
Pubblicato il Ottobre 25, 2024


Is the UN warning of 3.1C global warming a surprise? | BBC News

Without action the world could warm by a massive 3.1C this century, the UN has said in a new report.

The UN Emissions Gap report indicates that if only “current policies” are implemented the world could warm by up to 3.1C.

This would be “catastrophic” for the world according to the UN, leading to dramatic increases in extreme weather events including heatwaves and floods.

The UN’s predictions of temperature rise have stayed essentially the same over the past three years since countries met in Glasgow for the COP26 climate summit.

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