Hong Kong: Journalists on trial and Tiananmen massacre commemorators arrested – BBC Newsnight



Hong Kong: Journalists on trial and Tiananmen massacre commemorators arrested – BBC Newsnight

Hong Kong: Journalists on trial and Tiananmen massacre commemorators arrested – BBC Newsnight
Pubblicato il Luglio 4, 2023


Hong Kong: Journalists on trial and Tiananmen massacre commemorators arrested - BBC Newsnight

It’s three years since Beijing imposed a draconian national security law on Hong Kong.

The authorities said the law was needed to return stability to the former British colony after months of back to back anti-government protests.

Critics say it’s being used to silence anyone who speaks out; over 60 civil groups have been forced to close or disband. The majority of the political opposition have either been detained or fled.

For more than two years, the BBC’s Hong Kong correspondent has been filming those affected by the law. Danny Vincent reports.

You can watch a longer version of this report on BBC iPlayer: bbc.in/3PJ3d7O

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