Clubfoot treatment turning lives around in Senegal – BBC News



Clubfoot treatment turning lives around in Senegal – BBC News

Clubfoot treatment turning lives around in Senegal – BBC News
Pubblicato il Novembre 22, 2022


Clubfoot treatment turning lives around in Senegal - BBC News

Every year 200,000 babies are born with clubfoot.

According to the charity MiracleFeet, of the nearly 10 million people alive today who were born with it, as many as eight million have never received treatment.

Senegal has been a relatively late adopter of Ponseti – a pioneering method of correcting clubfoot named after the Spanish doctor who invented it – compared with some other African countries.

But this means Senegalese medics have perfected the original concept and are now using it to treat teenagers or even adults who thought they had passed the age for any intervention.

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