Homelessness in England: ‘There’s no space for my baby’ – BBC News.



Homelessness in England: ‘There’s no space for my baby’ – BBC News.

Homelessness in England: ‘There’s no space for my baby’ – BBC News.
Pubblicato il Gennaio 2, 2022


Homelessness in England: 'There's no space for my baby' - BBC News.

The housing charity Shelter said that 126,000 children were living in temporary accommodation in England.

The BBC talked to two mothers who live with their children in just one room.

Rebecca lives with her children in former student halls in Luton and relies on food banks. She said: “I’m stressed because I am thinking about the room, it is too small for me.”

Ania, who has been living with her two children in a Peterborough hotel room, said: “I try to be strong but I’m really, really tied.”

Charities say that living under these conditions is putting the children’s life chances at risk,

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